In today’s dynamic meeting of the Penn State Open Source Special Interest Group (OSSIG), part of the Penn State Open Source Program Office founded by Carl Cotner, Mathias Fonkam, and Jeff Schulman, we mapped out a promising trajectory for this semester. Seven students from the college of IST attended.

Our schedule this semester is to meet in Westgate E101 at 2 PM each Saturday through the end of April.

Key Focus Areas:

  1. Large Language Models: We’re exploring the potential of large language models. Our strategy includes hands-on workshops and real-world simulations using GitHub for project management.
  2. Programming Paradigms: Functional programming, object orientation, and logic programming are on our radar. We aim to demystify these concepts through practical workshops.
  3. Security Integration: We plan to emphasize security in software development and build a DevOps pipeline with security at its core, blending theory with practical application.
  4. Web Development: Our discussions reflected various tech interests, from mobile app development to data visualization, underscoring our commitment to staying abreast of emerging technologies.


Our meeting sets the stage for a semester of skill-building, collaboration, and innovation in open-source technology at Penn State. Through our focused tracks and interactive workshops, we’re shaping its future. Stay tuned for exciting developments as we forge ahead on this journey of discovery and impact.