BEAM & Elixir & Phoenix

In our latest gathering at the Penn State Open Source Program Office, we delved into exciting topics within the realm of programming and web development. This post recaps the key points and discussions from our enriching meeting. Local Language Models: Securing...

LLMs and Vector Spaces – Today’s Meeting (February 24th)

The recent PSU-OSPO meeting encompassed a range of topics from the intricacies of working with large language models (LLMs) to plans for upcoming events like the Penn State hackathon. Notable presentations included Dr. Carl Cotner’s insights into the role of...

Ollama, Coconut, & Functional Programming: Today’s OSSIG meeting

In our latest Open Source SIG gathering, we delved into the ever-evolving world of software development and artificial intelligence.  Contributing attendees include Shen-Han Chiu, Dr. Carl Cotner, Kyle Gilbert, Sahil Pardassani, and Jeff Schulman. The session was a...

PSU OSS Repositories

We’re thrilled to introduce our comprehensive index of Penn State Open Source Repositories. This curated collection highlights the innovative open source projects developed within our vibrant university community. If you’re part of Penn State and have a...